institutions for management of common property resources at the
grassroots exhibit considerable variations. These institutions may
be formal or informal, culturally embedded or other-wise and
episodic or durable. The nature of rules/norms may vary across
sectors, regions and cultures. The source of variability may be
however, more importantly include the nature of stress or
opportunity to which the institution owned its genesis, the context
of the participants, the size of the groups and heterogeneity among
stake holders, the nature of the resource (whether fugitive or
stable), the ownership of the resource (whether private, common,
club or public), the scarcity of resource and the purpose of
management (whether for accumulation of wealth or for sheer survival
of the members). At
SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives
for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions) we have drawn upon a
database on CPR institutions developed over the last sixteen years
for sustainable natural resource management. A unique feature of
this database is that it focuses much more on self-designed or
indigenous or indigenous institutions rather the crafted ones. Ms. Riya Sinha at SRISTI in collaboration with
Troels Bjerregaard, a Danish student worked on a computerized
cataloguing system of this database. Which has now been upgraded to
a web based system known as "Common Property Resource Institutions
Database & Online Information and Interaction System". This system
allows interactivity to users to develop communities for online
discussion and self monitored groups allowing receiving updates on
each case of there interest. The database is constantly
updated with new cases, also new cases could be shared through our
online sharing module. Currently the database consists of 87
institutions from more than twenty countries spread over five
continents. The institutions have been selected from a number of
sectors such as forestry, irrigation, fishery, grazing hunting,
gathering etc., thereby making it possible to study the management
practices applicable to a variety of natural resources. An example
of CPR institutions A Question of Sharing.
We would
invite contributions of such cases from individuals, organizations
to augment this database further.