Sanctuary of Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (SIIE), SRISTI-BioNEST Grambharti, Gandhinagar is one of the BIRAC incubation centres that nurtures technology and innovations from and forgrassroots level. SIIE is supporting innovation based start-ups in multidisciplinary fields like agriculture, environment, medicines, veterinary, biotechnology, microbiology, life sciences, food science, children’s creativity and grassroots innovative ideas. The incubation centre is supported by BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India).
“Objectives of SIIE: The SRISTI BioNEST Incubator: To become a sanctuary of knowledge of the marginal people but not with a marginal mind, who have done extraordinary innovations and provided a breakthrough solution for a day to day problem in society; and supplement these with inclusive innovations from formal sector”
points of SIIE – SRISTI BioNEST
- The
talent mobilised by SIIE – SRISTI BioNEST hails from a diverse background
ranging from drop-outs, fresh graduates, farmers, local people, to newly started
- It
is one of the first incubator to include innovators at grassroots level, though
others are not excluded.
- Educational
qualification is thus not the key criteria for admission of the entrepreneurs
in the SIIE-SRISTI BioNEST, though the insights about solving a real social
problem frugally are.
integrates incubation with training and research through SRISTI-Sadbhav –Sanshodhan
Lab, with the help of good technical team having excellent scientific
background in collaboration with knowledge providers and grassroots innovators
wherever relevant.
promotes technology and innovation-driven start-ups and follows a real and
virtual incubation model, thus providing in-situ and ex-situ incubation.
SRISTI Innovations-BIRAC’s BioNEST is a business incubator, an entity funded by BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. Of India), where innovations based on ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking, traditional knowledge, innovations at the grassroots level, innovations by university students and even children are supported for successful product development and commercialization. We support innovations from both formal and informal sectors. The incubator caters to sectors like biotechnology, biological sciences, environmental sciences, food technology, medical science and technology, nanotechnology, pharmacy, rural development and allied areas.
The SRISTI Innovations-BIRAC’s BioNEST people work in collaboration with famous institutions like Sristi Lab, Grassroots Innovation Augmentation Network (GIAN), and National Innovation Foundation (NIF) amongst others.We pool student ideas (information of about 184, 000 student projects is already available at Techpedia.sristi.org), traditional knowledge and practices from across the country through ‘Sodhyatras’, ‘Sattvic’ traditional food festival, analysis We organize Biotechnology Innovation Ignition School (BIIS) and Gandhian Young Technology Innovation (GYTI) awards where more than 1500 young biotechnology-based innovators display their creative ideas and products. These early stage innovations have high potential and they need handholding and incubation support to take their product to the market. Moreover, the innovations at Techpedia, a dedicated database of frugal innovations, have huge potential to be implemented as solutions to problems.We, SRISTI-Innovations, have signed MOUs with reputed national and international research institutions, labs, industries and public systems. Joint initiatives have been organized with the following: BIRAC-DBT, IMTech, UNICEF, IITB, USAID, JKUAT, TUFE-China, ILO, JSW, 3M, HelpAge India, CamaleonteOy Ltd. SRISTI Innovations has successfully developed several herbal medicines based on traditional knowledge and practices. Thus, SRISTI Innovations-BIRAC’s BioNEST is the best place to nurture, support entrepreneurs in their journey to success.
The bioincubator will promote technology and innovation driven start-ups and follow a virtual incubation model providing in situ and ex situ incubation. In situ incubation will be for grassroots innovators providing them support at their existing locations. Mentorship on diverse needs of the incubatees, like business planning, mapping skill and technology gaps, fabrication, IPR etc. will be provided.