SIIE is supporting innovations in multidisciplinary fields

Formal Sector Incubatees
1.AMHIDDA Care: Mrs. Hiral Parikh
AMHIDDA Care has developed chemical free innovative herbal hair products and other beauty products like hair pack, shampoo, hair oil, face & body pack, gel moisturizer.

HAIR PACK: This products of hair has benefits such as it stops hair fall and splitends,removes dandruff, leads to hair growth , strengthens roots of hair and nourishes hair gradually. It contains herbal ingredients such as Amla (Phyllanthus emblica), Shikakai (Acacia concinna), Jasud (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis),Haldi, Neem (Azadirachta indica ), Jatamasi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Bhringraj (Eclipta prostrate), Tulsi, Methi and extracts of other rare herbs.
HAIR OIL: This product removes split ends; lice; strengthen hair and prevents early age hair greying.
SHAMPOO: (a) Honey shampoo has goodness of honey. Honey is an effective cleanser, and when combined with shampoo, it is easy to use and can make for a potent treatment for hair growth. (b) Ginger shampoo. The antiseptic properties of ginger helps to reduce scalp infections and dandruff.

FACE & BODY PACK: This is a beauty product which provides several benefits such as curestanned skin, gives natural glow to skin, and removes acne marks/wrinkles/pigmentations. This product is a mixture of several herbal ingredients.

GEL MOISTURIZER (Aqua, Kesar): This beauty product can be used as a body lotion, cream, moisturizer, anti-ageing cream and makeup remover. It also which offers other benefits such as an anti – inflammatory gel and skin tan remover.

AMHIDDA OINTMENT: This provides cures for all almost all skin problems such ashaemorrhoids, inflated piles, fissures, fistulas and itching. Other benefits includesrelieves pain and heals cuts and wounds.

SIIE –SRISTI provided quality control and quality tests, scientific studies for products
2.Algallio Biotech: Mrs. Amee Patel
Website: https://algalliobiotech.business.site
The ‘Algallio Biotech’ people are working on blue-green microalgae, Spirulina. The company has a range of spirulina-based products like spirulina capsule, powder, tablet.

- The ‘Algallio Biotech’ people are working on blue-green microalgae, Spirulina.
- The company has a range of Spirulina-based products like Spirulina capsule, powder, tablet.
- Another instant health drink powder ‘Ocean Mist’ which is made up of lyophilized powder derived from coconut water and Spirulina powder is also gaining popularity in the market.
- The company is also manufacturing several Spirulina-blended soups to meet current market demand.
Provisional patent for Mrs. Amee Patel has been filed on 8th March 2019 by SIIE-SRISTI. Preparing to file complete specification.
3.Barley Water: Mr. Ashok Upadhyay
Website: www.barleywater.in
Barley water is a known brand in Ahmedabad. Other products include instantly made fresh natural health drinks like ‘Panch-amrut’, ‘Jaljeera’, ‘Blue berry’ etc. It has various health benefits.

SIIE – SRISTI BioNEST has helped in Trademark/ Marketing/Promotion of the product at SATTVIK food festival
4.Brook & Blooms: Mr. Yash Bhatt & Mr. Arjun Thakkar
Brook and Blooms people have developed an interesting method of preparing fertilizer from this kind of floral waste of religious places. The method is effective for organic agriculture (Flower cultivation) as well. The company plays an important role in waste management and reduction of water pollution.

(a) Devotion becomes pollution. (b) Pollution of river water. (c) Increasing solid waste. (d) Death of aquatic animals.

(a) collection of floral waste at place of worshipping, (b) Individual transportation. (c) Natural process of Recycling.
Technology transfer from the Honey Bee Network database and improved his products, lab analysis in progress
5.Mom’s Café: Mrs. Neela Nagar & Miss. Krishna Nagar
Mom’s Café is specialized in making farali food products with a special ‘Atta’ by replacing regular ‘maida’ (fine wheat flour).This atta is mainly used in making fasting foods that are consumed during fasting.
The special ingredient of her product is a flour which is a mixture of Moraiya (Echinochloa colona, commonly known as jungle rice, a type of wild grass originating from tropical Asia.), Rajgira (amaranth grain) and Sabudana (Sago).

6.Nutrient Dynamic Food (NDF): Arpita Doshi & Divyesh Doshi
They are manufacturing micro-nutritional food products from vegetables and fruits. Veggie boosters for kids are gaining interest. They are the pioneer in crafting plant based functional foods in India.
NDF products are free from artificial colour,
additives, preservative.Using power of our traditional vegetables (through our
freeze drying technology) and spices without losing the essence of taste to
pamper your taste buds.
list of products include:
- Dudhi
Jaljeera (Goodness of “Lauki”, Taste of Jaljeera) - Immunity
Enhancer, - Multivitamin
Dhokla, - Veggie

7.Prebiotic Oligosaccharide for Gastrointestinal Health: Dr. G. ShyamSunder Reddy

Dr. Reddy is producing a prebiotic oligosaccharide by chemo-enzymatic process.
Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) are β-1-4 linked xylose units. Short chain XOS, considered as microfiber prebiotic sugars. XOS cannot be digested or absorbed in the upper colon. They reach the large intestine and help in the proliferation of healthy Bifidobacteria phylum Bacteroidetes, which out-compete unhealthy Firmicutes. XOS have been reported to exhibit higher prebiotic efficacy than the currently used fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and galactooligosacchrides (GOS).
The prebiotic oligosacchrides results in higher population of probiotics producing beneficial short chain fatty acids SCFA , which leads to cascading effects like the colonocytes health, mineral absorption, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anticancer, immuno-modulatory, cholesterol, obesity and pH maintenance etc. Once produced XOS can be added like salt and pepper to the foods and feel no guilt of not having enough microfiber in the food and save your digestive system and overall health. The prebiotic oligosaccharides are also added to poultry and animal feed as supplements to enrich the nutritional value. Hence, there is a huge demand for these prebiotic oligosacchrides in India and abroad. However, there are a few Indian companies such as Tata Chemicals and Lactose India Ltd manufacture prebiotic oligosaccharides. However, these companies manufacture only FOS and GOS. There are no manufacturers of XOS in India. To meet the requirement of Indian market, XOS are imported from other countries. XOS can be cost effective since, the raw material is low cost agricultural lignocellulosic waste and the recommended daily intake dose is about 4 folds lesser than the level of FOS and GOS. Hence, development of a technology to produce XOS from these lignocellulosic materials would reduce the demand-supply gap in Indian oligosaccharide market. Towards this a technology process for XOS production has been optimized at lab scale in IIT Madras.

8.Let’s FARM(You Grow Healthy, We Take Care): Mr. Harsh Dangayach
In 2019, Mr. Harsh Dangayach, Civil Engg., IIT (BHU) started Let’s Farm with a dream to provide facility for farming vegetables, farming consulting, farm maintenance services at terrace and balcony. And also about solid waste management can be done at the domestic level to reduce the waste of city.
Let’s Farm, provide complete installation of kitchen garden by transforming the free space in the house into mini farms.

Informal Sector Incubatees
1. Balidan Bhai Gadhavi : Human therapeutic
the herbal medication for diabetes and immunity boosters using herbal plants
Bharahmasi (Catharanthus roseus)
& Juvenile Mango leaves (Mangifera
Powder of white flower of Bharahmasi plant (C. roseus) and Juvenile leaves of mango (Mangifera indica) are prepared and taken in the ratio of 1:4.
claims that using the correct doses for three months diabetes is controlled.
According to literature the tender leaves of the mango tree contain tannins called anthocyanidins that may help in treating early diabetes [1]. The leaves contain a compound called 3beta-taraxenol, and ethyl acetate extract which synergise with insulin to activate GLUT4 and stimulate the synthesis of glycogen [2]. Studies also shows that water decoction of Catharanthus roseus is used in the management of diabetes where vindoline, tetrahydroalstonine and catharanthine are found as the main biological ingredients for the hypoglycemic effect [3]. Balidan Bhai is using combination of juvenile leaves of mango with correct dose of C. roseusflower powder to treat diabetes.
2.Madhav Fresh Pvt. Ltd.: YogirajSingh B. Gohil

Madhav Fresh prepares juice and squash made up of
rose, guava, lemon and ginger.
His products are 100% natural and organic with no added preservatives, essence and colour.

3. Bharti Patel: Nutrient Food Science
She is preparing Nagali Papad (Finger millet). Products are in the market.
Finger millet is considered one of the most nutritious cereals. 100 grams of Finger millet has roughly on an average of 336 K cal of energy in them.
It contains about average protein of 7.6 g/100g, fat content 4-5 %, 1–2% ether extractives, carbohydrates 72.6 – 85.6 g/100g of the grain, 15–20% dietary fiber and 2.5–3.5% minerals. Of all the other cereals and millets, finger millet has the highest amount of calcium (344mg %) and potassium (408mg %). The cereal has low fat content (1.3%) and contains mainly unsaturated fat. Finger millet is rich in macro and micro nutrients making the crop an important ingredient of dietary and nutritional balanced foods [4] Bharti Ben Patel is preparing a popular wafer like product, papad using finger millet. As the nutritional value of finger millet is known, these products are gaining interest.
4.Bharat Bhai Nasit: Agriculture
Bharat Bhai is preserving the traditional (desi) seeds of pulses, grains, fruits and vegetables and providing them to different farmers.SRISTI has transferred the technology from Honey Bee Network database for value addition in different crops.
5. Dalapat Bhai Moghjibhai: Veterinary
He has developed the herbal medication for diabetes. Animal trials are going on in 10 different villages.
6. Kuldeep Khatri: GreenShala Project
is using traditional protocols in organic farming.
Thousands of years ago, agriculture was practiced without the use of artificial chemicals. With the advent of chemical pesticides came the ‘pesticide era’.
new agricultural techniquesbeing beneficial in the short term had serious
longer term side effects such as soil compaction, erosion, and declines in
overall soil fertility, along with health concerns about toxic chemicals
entering the food supply [4].Remedy to these side effects was sought by going
for organic farming practices. Organic farming is a system which eludesthe use
of synthetic inputs (such as fertilisers, pesticides, hormones, feed, etc.) and
to the utmostextent depends upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures,
off-farm organic waste and biological system of nutrient mobilisation and plant
Kuldeep Khatri under the name “GREENSHALA”is implementing organic farming practices for growing various seasonal vegetables. He believes “The more organic and natural the product, the safer and healthier it is, for us and for the environment”He is also encouraging people for organic farming; disseminating low-cost technologies and skill development of local youth and students of Gram Vidhyapith.

7. Gopal Singh Suratiya: Human therapeutic
hasprepareda novel hair treatment composition suitable for use in accelerating
the growth of hair and other hair related issues. Gopal Bhai is using saline
soil from river bank, 500 gm Aloevera and 3 cubes camphor to prepare shampoo.
He claims that this medicinal shampoo can cure dandruff, hair loss, and itching cause by fungal infections.The present combination of ingredients provides salt and fluid retention, by literally introducing salt and fluid to the dermis required for hair growth.
8. Mahesh Bhai: 2 in 1 Milk Plus Immunity Enhancer
He has prepared an herbal product that promotes lactation in animals (galactogogues). This Herbal product is a mixture of powdered combination of leaves of dill (Anethum graveolens), black seeds of sesame (Sesamum indicum), Gado leaves(Tinospora cordifolia), roots of dodi (Leptadeniareticulate) and shatavri (Asparagus racenosus).Shatavari is important in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. . In the Athara-Veda this plant is described as a life-giver, strength-giver, and milk-propagator. This plant yields products which are stimulants and restoratives [5]. The product is in trial phase.
9. Ramji Bhai Dabhi: RamBaan (Kitnashak)
Ramaji Bhai has prepared a novel, efficient and cost effective herbal combination therapy for ectoparasitic infestation.

It is observed that when more than one herb is used in the herbal compositions, there is enhanced efficacy and the combination of herbs lead to synergistic effect. He has used a combination of different leaves extract of Azadirachta indica (Neem), Vitex negundo (Nagod) and Annona squamosa (Shitafal). The combination herbal medicine claims to completely remove ectoparasites from cattles. The product is in the trial phase.
10. Ramaji Bhimaji Parmar: ZEMATIC

He is making Ayurveda products for humans and animals skin diseases.
11. Rasul Bhai: Veterinary
He has given herbal formulation for bone fracture in animals.
12. Rita Vora: Food Technology
She is involved in production of
Cactus fruit based products.
India,althoughbeing one of the world’s largest fruitproducers, lacks the market in terms of cactus based fruits products.
In Gujarat, these fruits are
commonly found in Saurashtra and
Kutch regions. Rita Vora is making cactus based juices. She is also looking forward to make other food products from the same.
Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) awardees as Incubatees
1. Nitin Vasanth: Brain Wave Mapping Smart Earphones
He has developed NeuroBuds
(Smart Earphone with specially fabricated sensors that tracks biosignal like
brainwaves to understand the behavioural pattern of the user).
The salient points of
developed NeuroBuds are:
- Easy to use
- Based on revolutionary Ear Canal EEG
reading - No electrode on Forehead or Scalp
- Body temperature monitoring
- Heart beat analysis
2. L.R. Ravindranath:Ionic Movement Based Desalinator
He is using desalination method by electrolysis and flow down processes to reduce salinity in water. The high saline water i.e. the feed water enters intothe system along with the salts. When it reaches the junction ofthe flow split, the water starts flowing into both directions ofupward and downward.
When the power supply has given the salts in the water dissociates into charged ions, i.e. positively charged cations and negatively charged anions These charged ions tend to move towards the oppositely charged electrode, since the electrodes are fixed in the downward flow pathway all the ion diverted into the downward flow as the result of diversion of ions, the upward flow left free from ions, in this way upward water desalinated which is collected as desalinated product water. The diverted ions in the downward flow are attracted by the electrodes are drained by gravitational force, some anions viz..Cl NO 2 , NO 3 , CO 3 , HCO 3 etc. liberated as a gas at the anode which escapes through the vent gas open at the top of the system. The drained water containing remaining ions can be filtered off and re circulated along with the feed water. As mentioned above there are some changes made on the structure of the electrode, Current-voltage regulation circuit. And yet being modeled
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4155986/
- Sangeetha et al., Biochim Biophys Acta. 2010 Mar;1800(3):359-66. doi:
10.1016/j.bbagen.2009.12.002. Epub 2009 Dec 21. - Tiong S.H., Looi C.Y., Arya A. Vindogentianine, a hypoglycemic alkaloid from
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don (Apocynaceae) Fitoterapia. 2015;102:182–188. - Stinner, D.H (2007). “The Science of Organic Farming”. In William Lockeretz (ed.).
Organic Farming: An International History. Oxfordshire, UK & Cambridge,
Massachusetts: CAB International (CABI). ISBN 978-1-84593-289-3. Retrieved 30
April 2013. - Arya, V., Shekhawat, N. S., & Singh, R. P. (2003). Micropropagation of Leptadenia
reticulata—a medicinal plant. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant,
39(2), 180-185.