Category: Food recipes 2018

January 29, 2020

Cultural information

By: SRISTI ORG / Food recipes 2018

PUMPKIN What is pumpkin? A pumpkin is a cultivar of winter squash that is round with smooth, slightly ribbed skin, and most often deep yellow to orange in coloration. The thick shell contains the seeds and pulp. The name is most commonly used for cultivars of Cucurbita pepo, but some cultivars of Cucurbita maxima, C. argyrosperma, and C. moschata with similar appearance are also sometimes called "pumpkin". [...] Read more
January 29, 2020

Cultural information

By: SRISTI ORG / Food recipes 2018

SESAME SEEDS What is sesame seeds? While sesame seeds have been grown in tropical regions throughout the world since prehistoric times, traditional myths hold that their origins go back even further. According to Assyrian legend, when the gods met to create the world, they drank wine made from sesame seeds. These seeds were thought to [...] Read more
January 29, 2020

Cultural information

By: SRISTI ORG / Food recipes 2018

PIGEON PEAS What is pigeon pea? A yellow coloured lentil flat on one side, oblong in shape, used widely in Indian cooking. Pigeon pea is commonly known as arhar dal or split toor (tuvar) dal. It has its origins in the Eastern part of peninsular India. It is both a food crop and a cover [...] Read more
January 29, 2020

Cultural information

By: SRISTI ORG / Food recipes 2018

MILLET FLOUR What is millet flour? This is made from finely milled small grains of the sorghum plant, which grows in hot climates. There are three main varieties. There is the bland, sweetish, white millet flour, which is pale yellow in colour. Black millet flour, sometimes made from sun-dried millet, is dark grey, with a [...] Read more
January 29, 2020

Cultural information

By: SRISTI ORG / Food recipes 2018

CARDAMOMS What is cardamom? Cardamom is a spice made from the seed pods of various plants in the ginger family. Cardamom pods are spindle-shaped and have a triangular cross-section. The pods contain a number of seeds, but the entire cardamom pod can be used whole or ground. The seeds are small and black, while the [...] Read more