Category: Inshodh

October 6, 2020

Dictionary compiled by teacher as an aid for students

By: SRISTI ORG / Inshodh / 0 comment

Deviyani Trivedi A dictionary was compiled by the teacher which had basic 2,3 and 4 letter words. The total numbers of words in the dictionary were 774. This dictionary was given to all the students, which really helped them in improving their reading and eventually, writing. 1. Compile a list of simple, most frequently used […]

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October 6, 2020

Creating a school to facilitate the learning tailored to the student needs

By: SRISTI ORG / Inshodh / 0 comment

Rakesh Patel To develop a school that is student-oriented, involve students in taking decisions on teaching methodology, content and structure of classroom. Involve students in deciding the structure, methodology and content of learning; Involve students in taking decisions such as: What to get to school? Where to keep different things in class? Where to create […]

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October 6, 2020

Modifying school atmosphere to promote peer learning amongst children students

By: SRISTI ORG / Inshodh / 0 comment

Kamlesh Kosambiya In order to develop a school infrastructure that promotes education even when children are out of the class, a lot of innovative thinking has to go into the process. Following process may help to define what child-friendly and child-centric school means; 1. In order to establish or develop facility, if needed, mobilize resources […]

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October 6, 2020

Improving learning through laptops with pre installed educational programmes

By: SRISTI ORG / Inshodh / 0 comment

Mehul Suthar To enable individualized attention to each student and to facilitate student-led learning, give laptops to each student with pre-installed educational programs Process : Give laptops to students, which are connected to the main teacher laptop. (Teacher can see programs being run on each laptop); Teach students the basic functions of the laptop such […]

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October 6, 2020

Better understanding of mathematics by preparing place value charts

By: SRISTI ORG / Inshodh / 0 comment

Nileshkumar Solanki To enable students to learn the concept of place value conceptually, prepare a place value chart with different columns for place and space for writing digits. Create a Teaching and Learning Material for teaching Place Value. Use this format for preparing the TLM, Explain the concept of place value theoretically and through examples […]

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