The Children’s Creativity and Co-creation workshops empower children to not only identify and articulate their problems as well as that of socially disadvantaged segments, but also to find solutions individually and collectively. Involvement of children in solving the social challenges faced by them and others would help us mobilise the creative potential of children around the world. This might help in overcoming persistent social inertia in emerging and sometimes even in advanced economies. The workshops aimed at tapping the dormant creative potential of underprivileged children who probably did not have the courage or opportunity or a platform to articulate their ideas. Likewise, children from relatively affluent families who received the award who have innovated in some areas were expected to come out with creative ideas in other domains as well. A total of four such workshops were organized as per the table below:


S.No Date Venue No of Participants
1 November 7-8, 2016 RashtrapatiBhawan, New Delhi 70
2 January 11-12, 2017 Mehsana 165
3 March 6-7, 2017 RashtrapatiBhawan, New Delhi 82
4 May 24-25, 2017 Grambharati, Amrapur 65

More than three hundred ideas were generated in these exercises. It is hoped that many of these children will grow into empathetic, creative and compassionate leaders in future.

More than three hundred ideas were generated in these exercises. It is hoped that many of these children will grow into empathetic, creative and compassionate leaders in future.


Honey Bee Network database –Children Creativity 




Anil K. Gupta blog – Children Creativity