Dictionary compiled by teacher as an aid for students
Deviyani Trivedi
A dictionary was compiled by the teacher which had basic 2,3 and 4 letter words. The total numbers of words in the dictionary were 774. This dictionary was given to all the students, which really helped them in improving their reading and eventually, writing. 1. Compile a list of simple, most frequently used two, three and four letter words. Use the internet and reference books as guides for compiling the words; 2. Prepare a dictionary with the selected words; 3. Guide the students on how to use the; Dictionary; 4. Give a dictionary to each student; 5. Use the dictionary as a tool to improve students reading and writing skills; 6. Evaluate students through reading tests, oral tests on vocabulary and through writing tests. To facilitate learning by creating a dictionary for the students as an aid to improve their reading and writing skills.