3 Tsp cow ghee
2 tspragi (millet) flour
2 tsp edible (Tragacanth/gondh) gum
2 tspdesijaggery
1 tsp dry ginger &Ganthola (Indian Valerian” or “Tagar-ganthoda) powder
2 cups water
Dry fruits
Desiccated coconut
Poppy seeds for decoration.
Heat cow ghee in a kadhai. Add millet flour & edible gum and roast till it gets pinkish in colour. Then add dry ginger and Ganthola powder and stir. Add water and desijaggery and allow it to boil. Add desiccated coconut and put off the gas after a minute. Add dry fruits and poppy seeds.
Very beneficial post delivery for the mothers. It increases the body strength. Ragi has fiber, calcium, protein, vitamin C and natural fat. Edible gives strength and has protein. Dry ginger and Ganthola is heatning for the body and has magnesium. Helps vanishing joint pains stomach problems. Very beneficial during winters.