5 Leaves of Parijat plant.
Drumstick leaves powder
Cinnamon piece, clove, green tea leaves, ginger, mint, tulsi, pepper, honey, salt as required and sliced lime.
Heat a glass of water in a vessel; add crushed ginger, cinnamon piece, ground pepper, one clove, tulsi, green tea and mint leaves and give it a boil. After a while add ground leaves of Parijat and drumstick and allow it to boil. Cover and cool. Strain, add honey and salt.
Parijat leaves helps avoid joint pain. It also helps in chikangunia, malaria and flu. Cinnamon keeps the body metabolism in check and aids in fat dissolving. Ginger has antioxidant properties hence keep the bacteria’s away. Consumption of ginger in winter avoids cough and colds.