What is pigeon pea?

A yellow coloured lentil flat on one side, oblong in shape, used widely in Indian cooking. Pigeon pea is commonly known as arhar dal or split toor (tuvar) dal. It has its origins in the Eastern part of peninsular India. It is both a food crop and a cover crop. It is one of the most common dishes that is made in Indian households. It tastes best with a steaming bowl of rice. It has a mild, nutty flavor.

The skinless, split variety is used. Its greenish-brown in color with the skin and yellow without the skin. It should be soaked in water for about 10 minutes before cooking. Soaking in water reduces the cooking time. To cook, pressure cook it with the amount of water required according to the quantity of dal for about 2-3 whistles.

It takes longer to cook than other lentils. Before using it should be washed, cleaned and soaked in water for a couple of minutes. Preferably soak it in warm as it reduces the cooking time.

Use of pigeon pea

Pigeon pea can be used with vegetables, as dried pea or can be grounded into flour. When cooked along with cereals, pigeon pea makes a balanced diet.

Split peas can be pureed and served. It can also be added to salad. The most common preparation is ‘dal’. It is used to make popular dishes like the South Indian Sambar or the Gujarati Dal.

** source : Food NDTV